
Speaking of Wallpaper

Another Sticker on the Wall is an online archive of wall decals from around the world. Next to each image of the decal is the store link that provides that product. The decals range from single piece stickers to entire wall coverings (I suppose otherwise known as Wallpaper).
svarmor Svärmor Wallpaper adesivo de parede wallpaper papel de parede sitcker decal wall vynil

peacock Exotic Black/White modern peacock bird damask wallpaper adesivo de parede wallpaper papel de parede sitcker decal wall vynilfruitsdesign_celery Fruits of Design - Celery Wallpaper adesivo de parede wallpaper papel de parede sitcker decal wall vynil

A way to fill blank space or spruce up an old space, inspiration is abundant at Another Sticker on the Wall (dot com).

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